Easy VNC


Easy VNC allows you to view and fully interact with one computer desktop (the "VNC server") across 3G and wireless networks using your Samsung Wave.

Easy VNC is compatible with "tight", "zywrle" and "zrle" encodings. For this reason, make sure your VNC server accepts at least one of the encodings. It has been deeply tested with UltraVNC(Windows), RealVNC(Windows), TightVNC(Windows) and xvncserver(Linux).

Easy VNC lets you:

- View remote desktops.
- Zoom and scroll of desktop areas.
- Control remote mouse.
- Input text with virtual keyboard.
- Send special keys commands(Ctrl+..., Esc, Alt+f4).
- Select between high quality for WiFi connections or normal quality for 3G connections.
- Save your servers in a favorites list.
- Connect to desktops with resolutions up to 1920x1080 pixels (Full HD).

Easy VNC offers two different mouse controls: TouchScreen mode and
ControlPad mode.


5 comentarios:

  1. Hello!
    I would like to buy your "easy vnc" App for my Samsung Wave, but you've restricted the payment method. It's only allowed to pay via credit card. Why? Your price is ok, but I wouldn't go to my bank to get a Visa or Mastercard only for this reason. Let me pay per telephone bill and you have at least one another happy customer - and I would spread the news in some message boards! :)

    With regards,
    Michael Suszek

    P.S.: sorry if you feel spammed. I'm not sure which way for communication you prefer. (gmail, facebook ...)

  2. Hi Michael!

    With Easy FTP phone bill was enabled at the beginning, the main problem is that when allowing phone bill payment, you also allow premium SMS payment and that kind of payment has huge fees (users payed 2€ for the application and I got more or less 0,30$). That was a robbery, so the only solution was to disable both phone bill and premium sms.
    With Easy VNC I've got the same problem, If I allow phone bill I also allow premium SMS. To be honest, I preffer to give the application for free.

    By the way, with credit card payment the developer gets less than 50% of the revenues: Samsung gets 30%, there is an extra fee of 11% in some countries (the great part), the korean bank gets 30$ for each international transaction and my bank gets also 8,50$ for the same transaction. Finally I also need to declare the benefits so I will pay to my goverment more taxes :).

    As you can imagine I get only a little part of the benefits so If I allow phone bill I will get even less money, it's not a good business at all. I've got some friends developing for Android and they receive the 70% of the revenues (using google checkout) and there are no more extra fees, that's a good business. Samsung Bada is failing for both users and for developers...

    Hope I have solved your question.


    Vicente Sirvent.

  3. Hi Vicente!
    Thanks for the answer.
    It's really depressing to read the payment facts.

    I'm not sure if this suggestion is accepted by Samsung,
    but wouldn't it be better to set your Apps for free
    AND to enable users to >>donate money<< for your work?

    I would like to donate 5 € via paypal for example.
    I'm not sure, how many other people would contribute
    to that, but it's at least better than nothing.

    CU !

  4. Hola, compré la aplicación porque realmente me hacia falta! Me funciona muy bien por wifi, pero no logro conectar atravez de internet a mi pc.
    En el router ya redireccione los puertos 5500 al 5900 y me asegure que realmente esten abiertos.
    Tambien desactive el firewall, pero nada...
    No se que hago mal, cuando entro al Easy VNC en IP coloco mi ip publica: 186.125.xxx.xxx, En puerto probe con 5600-5800-5900 y nada... "connection failed"...
    También probe colocar en IP http://186.125.xxx.xxx pero me arroja el error "dns not found"
    Agradeceria algo de ayuda! Muy util esta aplicacion muchas gracias!

  5. Hola Julián, conseguiste hacerlo funcionar? En principio parece que tienes todo bien.

    Si pruebas desde tu propia casa asegúrate de desconectar la Wifi en el tlf. Ya que intentará por defecto conectar a través de Wifi y por tanto no tendrás acceso a la IP pública, desde tu casa tienes que dejar únicamente conectado el 3g para obligar a que el tráfico vaya por internet y no por la LAN privada.

    Un saludo,

    Vicente Sirvent
